This public agreement applies to any registered participant at the event and any visitor to the event. The privacy of your personal data is one of our main concerns.


World of Dance Romania is a private event which refer to organize dance workshops and it is administered by ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO, registered at the Trade Register under no. 35/RA/2019, TAX IDENTIFICATION CODE – CIF 41448460, with headquarters in Bd Petrochimistilor, City – Pitesti, Arges county, Bank: ING BANK,  IBAN CODE: RO62INGB0000999912282614, SWIFT CODE: INGBROBU , BIC: INGB

Before booking a dance workshop, participants should read these Terms and Conditions carefully.

These are the Terms and Conditions on which we agree to provide participants with our competition and all our dance workshops. These terms and Conditions tell participants how we will provide our event to them, how participants or we may change the contract between us, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If participants are unable to agree with the Terms and Conditions, they must not book or attend the World Of Dance Romania event. We will not provide our services and dance classes to participants who do not agree to these Terms and Conditions.  If, however, the participants agrees to the Terms and Conditions unconditionally, they may book and attend the event subject always to these Terms and Conditions. Booking dance workshops or attending dance workshops or register to competition shall indicate the participant’s acceptance of the Terms and Conditions in full absolutely.

ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO may amend these Terms and Conditions at any time by posting the amended Terms and Conditions on the site. The version of the Terms and Conditions that applies to the event shall always be the version in force at the time the services were booked.


The date of the event is 26 – 30 October 2024. The location for the event is Nord Events Center by Globalworth placed in Bucharest, Strada George Constantinescu 4B, Sector 2

There will be a full day competition on 26-27 October 2024 and 20 workshop classes on 28-30 October 2024 with the international choreographer presented on our social media platforms. On 28-30 October, each dance class duration will be 1h 30 min long.

PARTIcipants MUTUAL RIGHTS OBLIGATIONS and responsibility

If you need documents to confirm your presence at our event, please inform the organizers in advance to prepare them ahead of time.

ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO take seriously their responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all participants, teachers, and volunteers; and takes appropriate measures to make sure the environment is safe for all.

Dance is as an active engagement as any sport, and whilst every effort is made to avoid them, injuries can happen.

Your participation at the competition and dance workshops can involve risk of personal injury. While ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO takes all reasonable care in the conduct of its competition/workshops/classes, it accepts no responsibility for injury or loss caused during participation in the competition or workshop/classes. You are ensuring that you are physically and medically fit for the classes and during the competition/classes you must at all times take care of your own personal safety and belongings.

The organizers strongly recommend that all participants have a valid health insurance on the date of the event. In case of injury to the participants during the event, the organizers, in the absence of such insurance, are not responsible for the health of the participants.

ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO and his staff, are not responsible for the accidents of the participants or other people during the event.

Note that we advise you to take care of all your personal belongings and especially portable electronic devices. ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO will not be responsible for your personal lost or stolen items during the event. ASOCIATIA DANCE STUDIO is committed to respecting equal opportunities in the organisation of its DANCE educational programs and activities, for all persons regardless of race, color, sex, creed, religion, age, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, identity, political affiliation, marital status, veteran status, parental status, and pregnancy. If you need special accommodation or attention, please let us know well in advance by emailing us at We will make every effort to meet your special needs, to the extent that they may depend on us.


Access Of Participants

All participants must receive a bracelet to enter the event.

For competitors, On 25.10.2024, a representative of the dance studio or the choreographer of the registered dancers will have to participate in the technical session preceding the event. At the technical meeting, he will receive from the organizer, the package that will contain the access bracelets for all registered dancers, the final schedule of the two days of the event and he will receive all the additional information related to the WOD Romania competition.

The place and time of the technical session will be additionally announced on the communication channels of the event (facebook, instagram)

Spectator Access

All spectators and accompanying persons can purchase entrance tickets. Information about ticket prices and a link for purchase will be available on the social media pages of the event as well as on the event website:


The number of tickets is limited.

Ticket sales may be closed at any time without notice.

On the spot, on the day of the event, it will not be possible to purchase entrance tickets.


Technical Specifications Of The Scene

Size of the working area of the main stage: 12m width, 09m depth minimum. *can be rearranged and extended up to 14m wide and 10m deep.

Due to time constraints, technical rehearsals CANNOT be organised on the main stage.

Location And Clothing

There will be 2 (two) rooms inside the building of the location (separate for men / women), which the participants can use to leave their outer clothing. For changing into stage costumes, any free space outside the actual competition hall can be used, but without blocking the spaces that belong to the places of fire exits.


Romania World Of Dance Championship Series awards prizes to the dance teams whose participants placed on his competion World Of Dance Romania Championship series for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each division.

The team that accumulates the highest score of the WOD Romania 2024 edition, among the 1st place winners of the Junior Team Division and Team Division categories and who cumulatively fulfil the condition of obtaining a minimum score of 80 points, will receive the Grand Trophy of the Competition consisting of a cash prize. The value of the prize will be announced on media channels.

Additional prizes will be awarded in some categories for the best theme, best costume and audience reaction. The prizes for each individual category will be announced on the media channels of the WOD Romania event (facebook, instagram)

The prizes awarded are taxable and are taxed according to the legal regulations in force in Romania.

Code Of Conduct

Participants at competition/ dance workshop/classes must present themselves in a tidy manner at all times.

In order to maintain the high standards of our event, ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO reserves the right at its sole discretion to refuse admission or participation to any participant who is deemed to be acting inappropriately. This includes, but is not limited to, behaviour that displays an actual or perceived conflict of interest or behaviour that hinders the learning of others participants.

ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO expects all participants to be polite and well mannered towards other participants and their instructors at all times. If a participant is excluded for unacceptable behaviour they will not be entitled to a refund and in extreme circumstances. ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO reserves the right to cancel the contract with the participant completely and immediately without notice in which case no refund will be due to the participant.

Participants are expected to arrive on the time announced. Dance is a physical activity that requires the body to be warmed up in order to execute movement safely. Late participants miss the proper

warm-up and therefore may sustain an injury. Participants who arrive more than 10 minutes late may be asked to observe the class for reasons of health and safety.

For participating as a dancer at our event, all the participants must wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the type of activity they will engage with during the performance. Should the workshop practitioner deem the attire unsafe, we reserve the right to prevent the student from taking part in the activity. This is done as a matter of health and safety.

During the events, participants are expected to behave in a polite manner. They are expected to listen and we discourage unnecessary talking. If a participant is causing disruption to others’ learning they may be asked to leave the room. Any unacceptable behavior from participants and/or parents/carers will not be tolerated. Unacceptable behavior by pupils may result in exclusion from current and/or further activities. Parents or family members may be banned from premises, events and/or performances.

ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO  recognise that every child has the right to enjoy a life free from bullying; therefore we will always take seriously all allegations of bullying and are committed to deal with it effectively when it does happen. We will always endeavour to work with all the participants and parents to prevent it from happening.

Appropriate Physical Contact Policy

Teaching dance is a physical activity and appropriate physical contact between students and teachers in class in essential to training. ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO recognize that such physical contact is a potentially complex area, and the company also fully recognizes it’s responsibilities for safeguarding students and teachers and for protecting their welfare.

The following principles and procedures are in place to fulfill the company’s obligations:

a. Contact by the teacher is made with a particular awareness of the needs of each individual to assist the dancer in correcting placement.

b. All teachers will treat any physical contact with due sensitivity and care, and with due regard for the wishes of the dancer.

c. Contact will not involve force or the use of any instrument.

d. Teachers will be mindful of location and avoid situations where they are isolated from the students. Dancers and parents are encouraged to discuss any worries with any member of staff or an independent listener.

Media Use Rights Permission

We ask parents/guardians to grant permission for ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO to take photographs and videos of the dancers. No personal information is ever used or linked to the photographs.

We ask for full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the group’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.


Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well being of all children in our care. As such we believe that we have a duty to the children, parents/main carers and staff to act quickly and responsibly in any instance that may come to our attention.

All staff and volunteers employed directly by ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO will be first aid trained.

We may from time to time contact you individually about other carefully selected ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO services which we think may be of interest to you.

Payment Policy

We request payment in advance on the event (see our website page for prices). For refunds please see the refund policy page here

General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR

By registering yourself or the people in your dance team, you and the team members automatically consent to the processing of personal data by ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO .

Any personal data received during the registration of a participant, spectator, coach or companion will not be transferred to third parties except where the law allows or requires, or where you have given permission to do so, and will be allocated on request to the official correspondence of the event.

By completing the registration procedure, you automatically agree that you assume all responsibility for the use of copyright and/or related rights (fragments of musical works and/or entire musical works) and all possible objections and/or claims of copyright holders. Copyright will be resolved by you independently (without the organizer’s involvement) in accordance with the procedure established by the Romanian legislation in force. The organizers and partners of the WOD Romania event are not responsible for your use of copyright and/or related rights during the event and the display of these events in real time and/or in the internet recording.

By completing the registration procedure, you completely waive any rights to the photo and video materials made within the project, which depict you (or your performance) and/or your property and you recognize the full right of the organizers to use the above materials at their discretion., including for editorial, commercial purposes, including, but not limited to, by displaying such materials in real time and/or recording via the internet, as well as for any other purposes.

Refunds in case of refusal to participate are considered individually after the event in each case. It is possible that refunds will not be made or will not be in full depending on the organizer’s decision. The organizer reserves the right not to make refunds. The organizer does not compensate any financial and moral loss of the participants and spectators.

When registering for the event, participants and spectators automatically waive any claim against the organizer. Reimbursements for participation, tickets for spectators and workshop-type courses, in case of postponement of the event due to force majeure (military actions, restrictions on mass events, quarantine, etc. Funds are deposited by the organizer for participation in the postponed event. Date and the place of the postponed event will be announced additionally. The organizer does not compensate any financial and moral loss of the participants and spectators. At the time of registration for the event, the participants and spectators automatically waive any claim against the organizer.

ASOCIATIA PITICU DANCE STUDIO reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time for the benefit of the business, staff or participants.






TELEFON: +40-770295383

26-27 OCTOMBRIE 2024



1VS1 & 2VS2

NORD Events Center by Globalworth

Strada George Constantinescu 4B, Bucuresti 020339

28-30 OCTOMBRIE 2024



Orhideelor Str, Bucuresti 060071





Toti dansatorii care doresc sa participe in cadrul competitiei World of Dance Romania, indiferent de categoria aleasa, vor trebui sa trimita catre WOD Romania, numele echipei lor si o inregistrare video a unui moment recent al concurentului/trupei (maxim 1 minut), o poza recenta, precum si 2-3 randuri pentru descrierea trupei.

Deasemenea, fiecare aplicant trebuie sa furnizeze catre WOD Romania numele contactului principal, e-mail si numar de telefon.

Fara o selectie video niciun concurent nu poate participa in competitie.

Videoclipul pentru selectie poate fi din ultima reprezentatie a echipei sau un videoclip de la o repetitie. Din pacate, nu putem accepta filmari ale cursurilor de dans ca videoclipuri pentru selectie. Videoclipurile de la cursurile de dans nu vor fi selectionate.

World of Dance Romania va examina fiecare moment si va selectiona echipele participante, cei selectionati urmand a primi raspunsul de confirmare din partea World Of Dance ROMANIA in vederea inregistrarii in competitie.

Pentru participantii la Battle-uri si Workshop-uri si pentru echipele care participa la invitatia organizatorului, nu este necesara selectia video.

Selectia videoclipurilor se va face de la data de 01.08.2024 si pana la data de 31.08.2024, ora 23:59. Orice video trimis ulterior datei de 31.08.2024, nu va fi luat in considerare pentru aceasta editie.


In cadrul WOD Romania Championship Series, categoriile de participare sunt impartite in doua zone – Competitie si Showcase, precum si o categorie distincta numita All Styles Battle.


Rutinele categoriilor de mai jos, sunt evaluate de catre un juriu specializat.

  • JUNIOR DIVISION (Varsta: 6-18) – 1- 4 dansatori (solo, duo, trio, quartet)
  • UPPER DIVISION (Varsta: 18+) – 1- 4 dansatori (solo, duo, trio, quartet)
  • JUNIOR TEAM DIVISON (Varsta: 6-18) – 5+ dansatori (grup/formatie)
  • TEAM DIVISION (Varsta: all ages) – 5+ dansatori (grup/formatie)

Varsta participantului trebuie sa respecte regulile impuse de prezentul regulament si va face referire la varsta efectiva a concurentului in ziua competitiei World Of Dance Romania. Nerespectarea acestui lucru va duce la descalificarea echipei dumneavoastra si implicit la eliminarea acesteia.



Daca exista sase (6) sau mai putine echipe inregistrate in competitia Diviziei de juniori (Junior Team Division), acele echipe vor fi mutate in Divizia de echipe (Team Division), pentru a concura in grupa de toate varstele, iar categoria Diviziei de juniori va fi exclusa din calificarea WOD.


ATENTIE: Cei ce vor performa la aceasta categorie,  nu vor fi evaluati de catre juriu.

Participantii la aceasta categorie isi pot prezenta rutina in cadrul Romania World of Dance Championship Series si, astfel, se pot alatura brandului si comunitatii internationale.

Participantii la categoria Showcase, isi pot prezenta rutina respectand aceleasi reguli de participare ca si cele prezentate in categoriile ce fac parte din competie, cu specificatia ca pentru aceasta categorie nu exista limita de timp pentru rutina prezentata

Videoclipurile SHOWCASE DIVISION vor fi postate pe canalul oficial de YouTube .’’World Of Dance’’.

Atentie: In functie de numarul de inregistrari in competitie, organizatorul Romania World Of Dance Championship Series, isi rezerva dreptul de a selectiona si limita inscrierile in aceasta categorie.


All Styles Battle este o categorie de tip 1vs1 si 2vs2 si este deschisa tuturor dansatorilor, atat barbati cat si femei. Dansatorii vor dansa improvizat pe orice stil si ritm de muzica selectat de catre DJ-ul Battle-ului. Arbitrii desemnati de catre organizator, vor evalua calitatea spectacolului, muzicalitatea, tehnica dansului si personalitatea dansatorilor.


Doar castigatorii diviziilor Junior Team si Team Division care vor ocupa locul 1, 2 sau 3 si care au obtinut ca scor final peste 80 de puncte dintr-un total maxim de 100 puncte, vor fi invitati sa participe la Finala Mondiala World Of Dance 2025.

In cazul in care primii trei clasati, nu isi exercita intentia de a face deplasarea la Finala Mondiala din SUA, urmatoarele trei clasate (Locul 4, 5 si 6) se pot califica pentru a reprezenta Romania, numai daca intrunesc si conditia referitoare la obtinerea punctajului minim necesar de 80 puncte scor final.

Echipele de juniori vor concura in aceeasi categorie in care au fost calificate, cu conditia ca vârsta sa fie aceeasi ca mai sus la momentul calificarii. De exemplu, daca un dansator are 18 ani si concureaza in divizia de juniori din Romania WOD pe 26.10.2024, dar implineste 19 ani la 1 ianuarie 2025, va putea concura in continuare in divizia de juniori in finalele WOD 2025 pentru ca luam in considerare categoria de vârsta in care s-au calificat (nu vârsta pe care o au implinita in 2025).

Daca echipele castigatoare au concurat si s-au calificat în mai multe tari, acestea isi pot selecta tara pe care o vor reprezenta la Finala Mondiala.

World of Dance isi rezerva dreptul de a invita orice echipa la Finala WOD. Videoclipurile tuturor rutinelor vor fi postate pe canalele oficiale YouTube WOD.


Toti participantii inscrisi in competitie, indiferent de locul si punctajul final obtinut pot participa in anul 2025 la World Dance Summit – , un eveniment de 5 zile care va include The World Showcase, The Summit Games si Master Classs, eveniment ce va culmina cu World Of Dance Finals 2025.

Detalii despre World Dance Summit vor fi stipulate in Anexa 1 la prezentul regulament.



Toti arbitrii vor evalua fiecare echipa in functie de urmatoarele criterii:

Executie: 20% (20 puncte din 100)

  • energie
  • spectacol scenic
  • capacitatea de a impresiona

Tehnica: 20% (20 puncte din 100)

  • claritatea dansului
  • dinamica miscarilor
  • executie
  • bazele stilului
  • controlul corpului
  • timming/sincronizare

Coregrafie: 20% (20 puncte din 100)

  • originalitatea miscarilor
  • creativitatea coregrafiei
  • concept
  • varietate de tehnici folosite
  • muzicalitate

Creativitate: 20% (20 puncte din 100)

  • selectie muzicala
  • spatializare
  • tema
  • performanta

Prezentare: 20% ((20 puncte din 100)

  • costume
  • coafura si machiaj
  • atitudine/expresie

Recuzita neaprobata – 1 punct de la fiecare judecator (pâna la 5 puncte deduse din rezultatul final)

Muzica mai lunga de 6 minute – 0,5 puncte pe secunda in timpul permis.

Vulgaritate, blasfemii in muzica – 0,5 puncte pentru fiecare cuvânt rau.

Daca fisierul muzical este modificat in ziua competitiei si incalca regulile de limba si/sau de timp, echipa dumneavoastra va fi privata de dreptul de a participa la viitoarele evenimente World of Dance si va fi descalificata.

Trick-uri prost executate – 1 punct per trick; trick executat prost sau incorect finalizat (la latitudinea Head Judge-ului si, daca este necesar, prin decizia tuturor  juratilor)

Utilizarea focului lichid sau deschis si pirotehnica – DESCALIFICARE


Vor exista 5 arbitri, drept urmare, calcularea punctajului final al unei rutine, se va face respectand stilul olimpic de jurizare, astfel:


Scorurile pentru criterii sunt insumate pentru fiecare jurat separat. Astfel avem scorul final al fiecarui jurat.

Din punctajele tuturor juratilor, scorurile maxime si minime sunt eliminate.

Toate scorurile ramase ale celorlati trei jurati, sunt mediate pentru a obtine un punctaj final.


– punctajul total al arbitrului 1: 60 puncte

– punctajul total al arbitrului 2: 70 puncte

– punctajul total al arbitrului 3: 80 puncte

– punctajul total al arbitrului 4: 90 puncte

– punctajul total al arbitrului 5: 40 puncte

Eliminam: cea mai mare nota-90 (arbitrul 4) si cea mai mica nota-40 (arbitrul 5)

Scorul final al concurentului/echipei: (60+70+80) / 3 arbitri = 70 de puncte


Head Judge-ul va calcula scorul final în format olimpic, unde nu vor fi luate in considerare cele mai mici si cele mai mari scoruri totale

Dupa ce a fost calculat scorul mediu total al echipei departajarea in caz de egalitate, se va face dupa cum urmeaza:

• Media scorurilor tehnice. Daca tot ramane egalitate,

• Media scorurilor de performanta. Daca tot ramane egalitate,

• Media scorurilor coregrafiei. Daca tot ramane egalitate,

• Media scorurilor de atractie pentru creativitate. Daca tot ramane egalitate,

• Media scorurilor de recurs la prezentare. Daca tot ramane egalitate,

• Votul majoritar al arbitrilor, prin ridicarea mainii

** Fiecare echipa concurenta poate cere pentru vizionare, foile de punctaj imediat dupa acordarea Premiilor Ceremoniei.


Inregistrarea participantilor la World Of Dance Romania Championship Series are loc intr-un sistem special de inregistrare accesand un link furnizat de catre organizator (TBA), pe site-ul

Inregistrarea in competitie se va face in perioada 01.09.2024 – 30.09.2024

In momentul inregistrarii in competitie, toate taxele trebuie sa fie achitate.

La inregistrare trebuie sa furnizati urmatoarele date:

Link catre videoclipul pentru selectie;

Numele concurentului/trupei si linkul catre Instagram-ul acestuia(daca exista);

Numele coregrafului si link-ul catre Instagram

Numele si prenumele complet precum si data nasterii pentru fiecare dansator;

Durata rutinei;

Specificati recuzita (daca exista) pentru a performa. Descrieti-o pe scurt si indicati dimensiunea aproximativa;


Daca sunt folosite elemente de recuzita, toate elementele de recuzita trebuie sa treaca printr-un proces de verificare. Echipa World of Dance Romania, trebuie sa aprobe toate elementele de recuzita inainte de termenul limita de efectuare a inregistrarilor. Pentru a obtine aprobarea, va rugam sa descrieti elementele de recuzita si sa indicati dimensiunile totale in cererea dvs. „Recuzita”.

Toate recuzitele considerate de catre organizator grele sau supradimensionate trebuie lasate in culise INAINTE de inceperea evenimentului, fara a bloca accesul catre scena a celorlalti participanti. In timpul evenimentului, orice deplasare a recuzitei supradimensionate sau grea nu este posibila.

Lista dvs. completa de concurenti si randurile de prezentare trebuie transmise, indiferent de scorul pe care il veti obtine in competitie, astfel încât toti participantii sa poata fi ulterior invitati la World Dance Summit 2024.

Coloana sonora necesara rutinei inregistrate in competitie poate fi adaugata chiar la inregistrare sau mai tarziu, fara a depasi insa data limita specificata in prezentul regulament.

Daca coloana sonora nu indeplineste cerintele organizatorului, va vom anunta prin e-mail.

Dupa trimiterea informatiilor de mai sus, asteptati si verificati starea cererii dvs. Conducerea WOD Romania va va verifica aplicatia (Luati in calcul faptul ca aceasta procedura poate dura câteva zile).

Daca cererea indeplineste cerintele, aceasta va fi aprobata si veti primi un email de confirmare si un numar de inregistrare in concurs, precum si detalii legate de plata taxelor aferente inregistrarilor. Plata se va face in cont bancar. Nicio plata cash nu va fi acceptata. Plata tuturor taxelor se va face in lei la cursul BNR din ziua efectuarii platii.

Daca aplicatia dvs nu a trecut de selectia video, un mesaj despre respingerea cererii de inregistrare va fi trimis la adresa de e-mail pe care ati specificat-o in timpul inregistrarii.

Odata ce cererea dvs. este aprobata pentru participare, pentru finalizarea inregistrarii trebuie sa platiti contravaloarea tuturor taxelor aferente.

Atentie!!! Inscrierile pot fi inchise fara avertisment in orice moment din cauza ocuparii complete a locurilor disponibile in divizii!


Pentru categoriile Junior Division, Upper Division, Junior Team Division, Team Division. Valoarea taxelor de inregistrare pentru participanti va fi anuntata pe canalele media ale evenimentului si pe site-ul acestuia

Daca un dansator performeaza in mai multe divizii, acesta va plati contravaloarea taxei, pentru fiecare moment in plus pentru care performeaza.

Aceste taxe sunt independente de taxele aferente categoriei Battle

  • Pentru categoria All Styles Battle, valoarea taxelor de inregistrare pentru participanti va fi anuntata pe canalele media ale evenimentului si pe site-ul acestuia



Toti participantii trebuie sa trimita pana la data de 05.10.2024, mix-ul pentru rutina cu care s-au inregistrat.

Toate fisierele audio trebuie sa fie in format mp3, m4a, wav.

Participantii trebuie sa verifice in mod independent coloanele sonore pentru prezenta cuvintelor vulgare – blasfemia este inacceptabila! Echipa de organizare World of Dance Romania are dreptul de a verifica, in plus, procesul de screening muzical.

Pentru utilizarea cuvintelor vulgare in fonograma, juratii vor deduce puncte!

  • Pentru categoriile JUNIOR DIVISION & UPPER DIVISION, durata fonogramei nu trebuie sa depaseasca 2 minute.
  • Pentru categoriile JUNIOR TEAM DIVISION & TEAM DIVISION, durata fonogramei nu trebuie sa depaseasca 6 minute.
  • Pentru categoria SHOWCASE, nu exista limita de timp.

Daca muzica nu indeplineste conditiile, veti fi anuntati prin email iar fisierul muzical poate fi inlocuit. Respectati termenul limita de 05.10.2024.

Atentie la regulile de selectie! Daca echipei tale i se cere sa curete si sa retrimita fisierul muzical de mai mult de doua ori, vei fi exclus din eveniment.

Echipele care nu isi trimit muzica pâna la termenul limita pot fi excluse de la eveniment sau pot suporta costuri suplimentare (la discretia directorului de scena).

** Dupa ce muzica a fost aprobata, in ziua desfasurarii evenimentului, fiecare echipa trebuie sa aiba o unitate USB de rezerva cu numele trupei pe ea. Fisierul muzical de pe unitatea USB de rezerva trebuie sa fie acelasi fisier care a fost aprobat anterior. Daca fisierul muzical este diferit si incalca regulile de limba si/sau sincronizare, dansatorilor nu li se va permite sa performeze si ar putea fi interzisi de la viitoarele evenimente World of Dance.


Fiecare participant la eveniment plateste o taxa de inregistrare, cu exceptia cazului in care este stipulat altfel de catre organizator. Daca coregraful echipei de dans performeaza impreuna cu echipa, acesta nu va plati taxa de participare. Daca coregraful nu performeaza cu echipa sa, acesta va avea acces gratuit la eveniment.


Depunerea cererilor este conditionata de termene limita! Dupa expirarea termenului limita, conditiile financiare de participare se pot modifica.


Pentru a solicita o rambursare de taxe, trimiteti un e-mail cu subiectul „RAMBURSARE” la adresa de email In e-mail trebuie sa specificati motivul rambursarii, numarul de inregistrare atribuit si datele dvs. de contact.

Nu se vor face rambursari daca:

Rambursarea se cere ulterior afisarii desfasuratorului evenimentului.

Participantii nu se prezinta in ziua evenimentului, indiferent de motivul care a stat la baza acestei decizii.

In alte cazuri, luam in considerare rambursari in decurs de 2 saptamani. Organizatoriul WOD Romania isi rezerva dreptul de a nu rambursa taxa, daca acesta considera ca motivul cererii de rambursare contravine prezentului regulament.

Daca decizia de rambursare este pozitiva, atunci in acest caz se va rambursa maxim contravaloarea a 50% din suma platita sau 100% din suma platita va fi transferata catre participarea la Romania World Of Dance Championship Series ce va avea loc in anul 2025.

Luam in considerare urmatoarele cazuri pentru rambursare:

Anularea participarii la eveniment din cauza fortei majore (restrictii de carantina, stare de urgenta sau lege martiala etc.)

In cazul rambursarii, operatiunea se va efectua in termen de 30 de zile lucratoare de la data planificata a evenimentului.

Rambursarile se fac numai persoanei fizice sau juridice care a efectuat plata initiala. Nu se vor face rambursari membrilor individuali ai echipelor (grupurilor).

Politica noastră de rambursare asigură o experiență perfectă pentru participanții la workshop-urile noastre de dans. În cazul puțin probabil în care un profesor programat nu este disponibil, ne angajăm să oferim o soluție alternativa. Un coregraf înlocuitor de egală expertiză va fi asigurat prompt pentru a asigura continuitatea programului. Vă rugăm să rețineți că, în astfel de circumstanțe, taxa de workshop nu va fi eligibilă pentru rambursare, deoarece suntem dedicați să oferim o experiență valoroasă de învățare a dansului prin oferirea unei alternative. Satisfacția dumneavoastră rămâne prioritatea noastră principală și ne străduim să menținem cea mai înaltă calitate a instruirii pentru toți participanții.


Toti participantii trebuie sa primeasca o bratara pentru a intra la eveniment.

In ziua de 26.10.2024, un reprezentant al studioului de dans sau coregraful dansatorilor inscrisi, va trebui sa participe la sedinta tehnica premergatoare evenimentului. La sedinta tehnica acesta va primi de la organizator, pachetul ce va contine bratarile de acces pentru toti dansatorii inscrisi, desfasuratorul final al celor doua zile de eveniment si va primi toate informatiile suplimentare legate de competitia WOD Romania.

Locul si ora sedintei tehnice vor fi anuntate suplimentar pe canalele de comunicare ale evenimentului (facebook, instagram)


Toti spectatorii si persoanele insotitoare pot achizitiona bilete de intrare. Informatii despre preturile biletelor si un link pentru achizitie vor fi disponibile pe paginile de socializare ale evenimentului precum si pe site.


Numarul de bilete este limitat.

Vânzarea biletelor poate fi inchisa in orice moment fara notificare.

La fata locului, in ziua evenimentului , nu se vor putea achizitiona bilete de intrare.


Dimensiunea zonei de lucru a scenei principale: 12m latime, 09m adancime minim. *poate fi rearanjat si extins pana la 14m latime si 10m adancime.

Din cauza constrângerilor de timp, repetitiile tehnice NU pot fi organizate pe scena principala.


Vor exista 2 (doua) incaperi in interiorul cladirii locatiei (separat barbati / femei), pe care participantii le pot folosi pentru a-si lasa imbracamintea exterioara. Pentru schimbarea in costume de scena se poate folosi orice spatiu liber din afara salii efective de concurs, dar fara obturarea spatiilor ce tin de locurile iesirilor de incendiu.


Romania World Of Dance Championship Series acorda premii echipelor de dans ai caror participantii s-au clasat pe locurile 1, 2 si 3 ale fiecarei divizii.

Echipa ce va cumula punctajul cel mai mare al editiei WOD Romania 2024, dintre Câstigatorii locului I ai categoriei Junior Team Division si Team Division si care cumulativ indeplinesc si conditia obtinerii unui punctaj minim de 80 puncte, va primi Marele Trofeu al Competitiei care consta intr-un premiu in bani. Valoarea premiului va fi anuntata pe canalele media.

Premii suplimentare vor fi acordate in unele categorii pentru cea mai buna tema, cel mai bun costum si reactia publicului. Premiile pentru fiecare categorie in parte vor fi anuntate pe canalele media ale evenimentului WOD Romania (facebook, instagram)

Premiile acordate sunt impozabile si se impoziteaza conform reglementarilor legale in vigoare, din Romania.


Atentie: Inregistrându-va ca participant, ati citit si acceptati urmatoarele conditii:

Organizatorii recomanda insistent ca toti participantii sa aiba o asigurare de sanatate valabila la data evenimentului. In caz de vatamare a participantilor in timpul festivalului, organizatorii, in lipsa unei astfel de asigurari, nu sunt raspunzatori de sanatatea participantilor.

Daca aveti nevoie de documente care sa confirme prezenta dumneavoastra la evenimentul nostru, va rugam sa informati in prealabil organizatorii pentru a le pregati din timp.

Organizatorii nu sunt raspunzatori pentru accidentele participantilor sau altor persoane in timpul evenimentului.

Persoana care inregistreaza unul sau mai multi participanti, in primul rând, trebuie sa obtina permisiunea oficiala de la persoanele sau reprezentantii oficiali ai persoanelor pe care le inregistreaza, pentru a divulga date cu caracter personal in sistemul de inregistrare. O persoana care inregistreaza unul sau mai multi participanti, nu are dreptul de a plasa date personale ale altor persoane fara a obtine permisiunea oficiala de la aceste persoane sau de la reprezentantii lor legali.

O persoana care inregistreaza unul sau mai multi participanti este considerata reprezentantul oficial al participantilor inregistrati de acesta.

Acest acord public se aplica oricarui participant inregistrat la eveniment si oricarui vizitator la eveniment.

Prin inregistrarea dumneavoastra sau a persoanelor din echipa dumneavoastra de dans, dumneavoastra si membrii echipei va dati acordul automat cu prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal.

Orice date personale primite in timpul inregistrarii unui participant, spectator, antrenor sau insotitor nu vor fi transferate catre terti si vor fi alocate la cerere catre corespondenta oficiala a evenimentului.

Prin finalizarea procedurii de inregistrare, sunteti automat de acord ca va asumati toata responsabilitatea pentru utilizarea drepturilor de autor si/sau a drepturilor conexe (fragmente de lucrari muzicale si/sau opere muzicale in intregime) si toate posibilele contestatii si/sau revendicari ale detinatorilor de drepturi de autor vor fi rezolvat de catre dumneavoastra in mod independent (fara implicarea Organizatorului) in conformitate cu procedura stabilita de legislatia in vigoare a Romaniei. Organizatorii si partenerii evenimentului WOD Romania nu sunt responsabili pentru utilizarea de catre dvs. a drepturilor de autor si/sau a drepturilor conexe in timpul evenimentului si afisarea acestor evenimente in timp real si/sau in inregistrarea prin Internet.

Prin finalizarea procedurii de inregistrare, renuntati in totalitate la orice drepturi asupra materialelor foto si video realizate in cadrul proiectului, care va infatiseaza pe dumneavoastra (sau performanta dumneavoastra) si/sau proprietatea dumneavoastra si recunoasteti dreptul deplin al Organizatorilor de a utiliza materialele de mai sus la discretia lor., inclusiv in scopuri editoriale, comerciale, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la, prin afisarea unor astfel de materiale in timp real si/sau inregistrarea prin Internet, precum si in orice alte scopuri.

Rambursarile in cazul refuzului de participare sunt luate in considerare individual dupa eveniment in fiecare caz. Este posibil ca rambursarile sa nu fie efectuate sau sa nu fie integral in functie de decizia Organizatorului. Organizatorul isi rezerva dreptul de a nu efectua rambursari. Organizatorul nu compenseaza nicio pierdere financiara si morala a participantilor si spectatorilor.

In momentul inscrierii la eveniment, participantii si spectatorii renunta automat la orice pretentie impotriva Organizatorului. Rambursari pentru participare, bilete pentru spectatori si cursuri de tip Workshop, in cazul amânarii evenimentului din cauza de forta majora (actiuni militare, restrictii privind desfasurarea evenimentelor in masa, carantina etc. Fondurile sunt depuse de catre Organizator pentru participarea la evenimentul amânat. Data si locul evenimentului amânat vor fi anuntate suplimentar. Organizatorul nu compenseaza nicio pierdere financiara si morala a participantilor si spectatorilor. La momentul inscrierii la eveniment, participantii si spectatorii renunta automat la orice pretentie impotriva Organizatorului.

Succes! Ne vedem la World of Dance Championship Series – ROMANIA 2024

Va multumim,

Echipa #WODRO24










PHONE: +40-770295383







26-27 OCTOBER 2024



1VS1 & 2VS2


NORD Events Center by Globalworth

George Constantinescu Street 4B, Bucharest 020339


28-30 OCTOBER 2024




                                                                                                                                                                                            Orhideelor Street 1, Bucharest 060071

















All dancers wishing to participate in the World of Dance Romania competition, regardless of the chosen category, will have to send to WOD Romania, the name of their team and a video recording of a recent moment of the competitor/team (maximum 1 minute), a recent photo, as well as 2-3 lines for the description of the crew. 

Also, each applicant must provide WOD Romania with the main contact name, e-mail and phone number.

Without a video selection no contestant can participate in the competition.


The video for selection can be from the team’s last performance or a video from a rehearsal. Unfortunately, we cannot accept videos of dance classes as selection videos. Videos from dance classes will not be selected.


World of Dance Romania will examine each moment and will select the participating teams, those selected will receive the confirmation answer from World Of Dance ROMANIA in order to register in the competition.


For participants in Battles and Workshops and for teams participating at the invitation of the organizer, video selection is not required.


The selection of videos will be made from 01.08.2024 until 31.08.2024, 23:59. Any video submitted after 31.08.2024 will not be considered for this edition.




Within the WOD Romania Championship Series, the participation categories are divided into two areas – Competition and Showcase, as well as a separate category called All Styles Battle.




The routines of the categories below are evaluated by a specialized jury.


  • JUNIOR DIVISION (Age: 6-18) – 1- 4 dancers (solo, duo, trio, quartet)
  • UPPER DIVISION (Age: 18+) – 1- 4 dancers (solo, duo, trio, quartet)
  • JUNIOR TEAM DIVISON (Age: 6-18) – 5+ dancers (group/formation)
  • TEAM DIVISION (Age: all ages) – 5+ dancers (group/formation)


The age of the participant must respect the rules imposed by these rules and will refer to the actual age of the competitor on the day of the World Of Dance Romania competition. Failure to do so will result in the disqualification of your team and its elimination.




If there are six (6) or fewer teams registered in the Junior Team Division competition, those teams will be moved to the Team Division to compete in the All Age Group and the Junior Division category will be excluded from WOD qualification.




ATTENTION: Those who perform in this category will not be evaluated by the jury.


Participants in this category can showcase their routines in the Romania World of Dance Championship Series and thus join the brand and the international community.


Participants in the Showcase category can present their routines according to the same rules of participation as those presented in the categories that are part of the competition, with the specification that for this category there is no time limit for the routine presented.


SHOWCASE DIVISION videos will be posted on the official YouTube channel ‘World Of Dance’.


Attention: Depending on the number of entries in the competition, the organizer Romania World Of Dance Championship Series, reserves the right to select and limit entries in this category.



All Styles Battle is a 1vs1 and 2vs2 category and is open to all dancers, both men and women. Dancers will dance impromptu to any style and rhythm of music selected by the Battle DJ. Judges appointed by the organizer will evaluate the quality of the performance, musicality, dance technique and personality of the dancers.



Only the winners of the Junior Team and Team Division who will be ranked 1st, 2nd or 3rd and who have obtained a final score over 80 points out of a maximum total of 100 points will be invited to participate in the World Of Dance 2025 World Finals.

In case the first three ranked teams do not exercise their intention to travel to the World Finals in the USA, the next three ranked teams (4th, 5th and 6th place) can qualify to represent Romania, only if they meet the condition related to obtaining the minimum score of 80 points.


Junior teams will compete in the same category in which they qualified, provided that their age is the same as above at the time of qualification. For example, if a dancer is 18 years old and competes in the Romanian WOD junior division on 26.10.2024, but turns 18 on 01.01.2025, they will still be able to compete in the junior division in the 2025 WOD finals because we take into account the age category they qualified in (not their age in 2024).


If the winning teams have competed and qualified in more than one country, they can select the country they will represent at the World Finals.


World of Dance reserves the right to invite any team to the WOD Finals. Videos of all routines will be posted on the official YouTube WOD channels.




All participants entered in the competition, regardless of place and final score, can participate in 2024 at the World Dance Summit – a 5-day event that will include The World Showcase, The Summit Games and Master Classes, culminating in the World Of Dance Finals 2025. 

Details of the World Dance Summit will be stipulated in Annex 1 to these regulations.





All referees will evaluate each team according to the following criteria:


Execution: 20% (20 points out of 100)

  • energy
  • stage show
  • ability to impress

Technique: 20% (20 points out of 100)

  • dance clarity
  • dynamics of movements
  • execution
  • basics of style
  • body control
  • timing/synchronisation 

Choreography: 20% (20 points out of 100)

  • originality of movements
  • creativity of choreography
  • concept
  • variety of techniques used
  • musicality

Creativity: 20% (20 points out of 100)

  • musical selection
  • spatialization
  • topic
  • performance

Presentation: 20% ((20 points out of 100)

  • costume
  • hairstyle and makeup
  • attitude/expression



Unapproved props – 1 point from each judge (up to 5 points deducted from the final result)

Music longer than 6 minutes – 0.5 points per second in allowed time.

Vulgarity, profanity in music – 0.5 points for each bad word.

If the music file is altered on the day of the competition and violates the language and/or time rules, your team will be disqualified from participating in future World of Dance events and will be disqualified.


Poorly executed tricks – 1 point per trick; poorly executed or incorrectly completed trick (at the discretion of the Head Judge and, if necessary, by decision of all judges)

The use of liquid or open fire and pyrotechnics – DISQUALIFICATION






There will be 5 judges, therefore, the calculation of the final score of a routine will be done following the Olympic style of judging as follows:



The scores for the criteria are summed for each judge separately. This gives the final score for each judge.

From the scores of all judges, the maximum and minimum scores are eliminated.

All the remaining scores of the other three judges are averaged to get a final score.



– total score of judge 1: 60 points

– total score of judge 2: 70 points

– total score of judge 3: 80 points

– total score of judge 4: 90 points

– total score of judge 5: 40 points


Eliminate: highest score-90 (judge 4) and lowest score-40 (judge 5)

Final competitor/team score: (60+70+80) / 3 judge = 70 points



The Head Judge will calculate the final score in Olympic format, where the lowest and highest total scores will not be taken into account.

After calculating the average total score of the team, the tie-breaker in case of a tie will be as follows:


– Average technical scores. If it’s still a tie,

– Average performance scores. If it’s still a tie,

– Average choreography scores. If it’s still a tie,

– Average attractiveness scores for creativity. If we still have a tie,

– Average appeal scores on presentation. If we still have a tie,

– Majority vote of the judges by show of hands

** Each competing team may request to see the score sheets immediately after the Awards Ceremony.




The registration of participants to the World Of Dance Romania Championship Series takes place in a special registration system by accessing a link provided by the organizer (TBA), on the website

Registration in the competition will take place between 01.09.2024 – 30.09.2024

When registering for the competition, all fees must be paid. 


When registering you must provide the following information:

Link to the video for the selection;

Name of contestant/crew and link to their Instagram (if any);

Choreographer’s name and link to Instagram

Full name and date of birth for each dancer;

Duration of the routine;

Specify props (if any) to perform. Describe it briefly and indicate the approximate size;



If props are used, all props must go through a verification process. The World of Dance Romania team must approve all props before the registration deadline. In order to get approval, please describe the props and indicate the total dimensions in your application. “Props”.

All props considered heavy or oversized by the organizer must be left backstage BEFORE the event begins, without blocking access to the stage for other participants. During the event, any movement of oversized or heavy props is not possible.


Your full list of competitors and presentation lines must be submitted, regardless of your score in the competition, so that all participants can be invited to the World Dance Summit 2024.


The soundtrack required for the routine recorded in the competition may be added at the time of the recording or later, without exceeding the deadline specified in these rules

If the soundtrack does not meet the organizer’s requirements, we will notify you by e-mail.


After submitting the above information, please wait and check the status of your application. WOD Romania management will check your application (Please note that this procedure may take a few days).


If the application meets the requirements, it will be approved and you will receive a confirmation email and a competition registration number, as well as details of how to pay the registration fees. Payment will be made to your bank account. No cash payment will be accepted. Payment of all fees will be made in lei at the BNR exchange rate on the day of payment.

If your application does not pass the video selection, a message about the rejection of your registration request will be sent to the email address you specified during registration.


Once your application is approved for participation, you must pay the full fee for the completion of the registration. 


Attention!!! Registration may be closed without warning at any time due to full occupancy of available spots in divisions!




For Junior Division, Upper Division, Junior Team Division, Team Division categories. Registration fees for participants will be announced on the event’s media channels and website.


If a dancer performs in more than one division, he/she will pay the fee for each additional moment for which he/she performs. 


These fees are independent of the Battle category fees


  • For the All Styles Battle category, registration fees for participants will be announced on the event media channels and on the event website. 






All participants must submit the mix for the routine they registered with by 05.10.2023.

All audio files must be in mp3, m4a, wav format.


Participants must independently check soundtracks for the presence of profanity – profanity is unacceptable! The World of Dance Romania organising team has the right to additionally check the music screening process.

For the use of vulgar words in the phonogram, judges will deduct points!


  • For JUNIOR DIVISION & UPPER DIVISION categories, the duration of the phonogram must not exceed 2 minutes.
  • For JUNIOR TEAM DIVISION & TEAM DIVISION categories, the duration of the phonogram must not exceed 6 minutes.
  • For the SHOWCASE category, there is no time limit.


If the music does not meet the conditions, you will be notified by email and the music file may be replaced. Please respect the deadline of 05.10.2023.


Pay attention to the selection rules! If your team is asked to clean and resubmit the music file more than twice, you will be excluded from the event.

Teams that do not submit their music by the deadline may be excluded from the event or incur additional costs (at the Stage Manager’s discretion).


** After the music has been approved, on the day of the event, each team must have a spare USB drive with the crew name on it. The music file on the spare USB drive must be the same file that was previously approved. If the music file is different and violates the language and/or timing rules, dancers will not be allowed to perform and may be banned from future World of Dance events.







Each event participant pays a registration fee, unless otherwise stipulated by the organizer. If the choreographer of the dance team performs with the team, he/she will not pay the registration fee. If the choreographer does not perform with his/her team, he/she will have free access to the event.



Submission of applications is subject to deadlines! After the deadline, the financial conditions of participation may change.




To request a fee refund, send an email with the subject “REFUND” to In the e-mail you must specify the reason for the refund, the registration number assigned and your contact details.


No refunds will be made if:

Reimbursement is requested after the event has taken place.

Participants do not show up on the day of the event, regardless of the reason for this decision.


In other cases, we consider refunds within 2 weeks. The organizer of WOD Romania reserves the right not to refund the fee, if he considers that the reason for the refund request is contrary to these rules.

If the refund decision is positive, then in this case a maximum of 50% of the amount paid will be refunded or 100% of the amount paid will be transferred to the participation in the Romania World Of Dance Championship Series to be held in 2025.


We consider the following cases for reimbursement:

Cancellation of participation in the event due to force majeure (quarantine restrictions, state of emergency or martial law, etc.)


In the case of reimbursement, the operation will be carried out within 30 working days from the planned date of the event.

Refunds are only made to the natural or legal person who made the initial payment. No refunds will be made to individual members of teams (groups).


Our refund policy ensures a seamless experience for participants in our dance workshops. In the unlikely event that a scheduled teacher is unavailable, we are committed to providing a smooth solution. A replacement choreographer of equal expertise will be promptly arranged to ensure the workshop’s continuity. Please note that under such circumstances, the workshop fee will not be eligible for reimbursement, as we are dedicated to offering a valuable dance learning experience through alternative arrangements. Your satisfaction remains our top priority, and we strive to maintain the highest quality of instruction for all participants.








All participants must receive a wristband to enter the event.

On 26.10.2024, a representative of the dance studio or the choreographer of the registered dancers will have to attend the technical meeting prior to the event. At the technical meeting he/she will receive from the organizer, the package containing the access bracelets for all registered dancers, the final schedule of the two-day event and will receive all additional information related to the WOD Romania competition.


The place and time of the technical session will be further announced on the event’s communication channels (facebook, instagram)



All spectators and accompanying persons can purchase tickets. Information on ticket prices and a link to purchase tickets will be available on the event’s social media pages and website.



The number of tickets is limited.

Ticket sales may be closed at any time without notice.

On the day of the event, no tickets will be available for purchase.





Size of the main stage working area: 12m wide, 09m minimum depth. *can be rearranged and extended up to 14m wide and 10m deep.

Due to time constraints, technical rehearsals CANNOT be held on the main stage.




There will be 2 (two) rooms inside the venue building (separate male/female), which participants can use to leave their outerwear. Any free space outside the actual competition hall may be used for changing into stage costumes, but without obstructing the spaces related to fire exits.


  1. AWARDS 


Romania World Of Dance Championship Series awards prizes to the dance teams whose participants have placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each division.


The team that will accumulate the highest score of the WOD Romania 2024 edition, among the First Place Winners of the Junior Team Division and Team Division categories and that cumulatively meet the condition of obtaining a minimum score of 80 points, will receive the Grand Trophy of the Competition consisting of a cash prize. The value of the prize will be announced on the media channels. 


Additional prizes will be awarded in some categories for best theme, best costume and audience reaction. Awards for each category will be announced on the media channels of the WOD Romania event (facebook, instagram)


The prizes awarded are taxable and are taxed according to the legal regulations in force in Romania.




Attention: By registering as a participant, you have read and accept the following terms and conditions:


The organisers strongly recommend that all participants have health insurance valid at the time of the event. In case of injury to participants during the festival, the organisers, in the absence of such insurance, are not responsible for the health of participants.


If you need documents confirming your presence at our event, please inform the organizers in advance so that they can be prepared in time.


The organizers are not responsible for accidents of participants or other persons during the event.


The person registering one or more participants must first obtain official permission from the persons or official representatives of the persons they are registering to disclose personal data in the registration system. A person who registers one or more participants is not entitled to place personal data of other persons without obtaining official permission from these persons or their legal representatives.


A person who registers one or more participants is considered the official representative of the participants registered by him.


This public agreement applies to any registered participant in the event and any visitor to the event.


By registering yourself or your dance team members, you and your team members automatically consent to the processing of personal data.


Any personal data received during the registration of a participant, spectator, coach or accompanying person will not be transferred to third parties and will be allocated upon request to the official event correspondence.


By completing the registration procedure, you automatically agree that you assume full responsibility for the use of copyright and/or related rights (fragments of musical works and/or musical works in their entirety) and all possible disputes and/or claims of copyright holders will be resolved by you independently (without the Organizer’s involvement) in accordance with the procedure established by the Romanian legislation in force. The Organizers and partners of the WOD Romania event are not responsible for your use of copyrights and/or related rights during the event and the display of these events in real time and/or in the Internet recording.


By completing the registration process, you fully waive all rights to any photo and video materials taken as part of the project that depict you (or your performance) and/or your property and acknowledge the full right of the Organizers to use the above materials at their discretion, including for editorial, commercial purposes, including, but not limited to, by displaying such materials in real time and/or recording them via the Internet, and for any other purposes.


Refunds in case of refusal to participate are considered individually after the event in each case. Refunds may not be made or may not be made in full depending on the Organiser’s decision. The Organiser reserves the right not to make refunds. The Organiser does not compensate any financial and moral loss of participants and spectators. 


By registering for the event, participants and spectators automatically waive all claims against the Organizer. Reimbursements for participation, spectator tickets and Workshop courses, in case of postponement of the event due to force majeure (military action, restrictions on mass events, quarantine, etc.) Funds are deposited by the Organiser for participation in the postponed event. The date and venue of the postponed event will be announced in addition. The Organiser does not compensate any financial and moral loss of participants and spectators. At the time of registration for the event, participants and spectators automatically waive all claims against the Organiser.



Good luck! See you at the World of Dance Championship Series – ROMANIA 2024


Thank you,

Team #WODRO24